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SNOM Neaspec


SNOM(near field scanning optical microscopy or NSOM) is a microscopic technique that exceeds the resolution limit thanks to the properties of attenuated waves. The distance between the detector and the sample is less than the wavelength of light when measured, and this is used in optical microscopy, among other things, for its ability to increase the contrast of nanoparticles.

IR-SNOM Neaspec

In this area we work closely with the German company Neaspec. Using NEAspec SNOM microscopes with a spatial resolution of up to 10 nanometers, it is possible to perform very fast mapping measurements from the visible to the terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum, including direct acquisition of FT-IR spectra from a sample area of approx. 10 nanometers!

IR-SNOM Neaspec

This method is suitable e.g. for refractive index studies, chemical structure determination, mechanical deformation monitoring, surface mapping (AFM) and charge distribution or hot spot characterization (SERS). For greater variability of experiments, a cryo-neaSNOM system for measurements under cryogenic conditions or a broadband laser capable of excitation in the range of 5 – 15 micrometers is also available.

Main analytical applications of IR near-field microscopy:

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