+420 602 325 829 / info@nicoletcz.cz

Nicolet CZ

The company Nicolet CZ s.r.o. has been operating on the Czech market for more than 20 years.

We specialize in molecular spectroscopy and supply more than 30 types of analyzers from small (mobile or handheld) models through specialized to top scientific custom built instruments.


Upcoming courses and training

Introduction to Raman spectrometry and microspectroscopy of nanoobjects

Date: 07/10/2024
 - 08/10/2024
  • Lectures – theory, measuring techniques, use
  • Course fee per person without VAT: CZK 3,900
  • Venue: Prague, to be specified
  • Deadline for sending the application: no later than 31st 8. 2024

Theoretical foundations of infrared microscopy

Date: 11/11/2024
 - 11/11/2024
  • Lectures: theory, measuring techniques, applications
  • Course fee per person without VAT: CZK 2,100
  • Venue: Prague, to be specified
  • Deadline for sending the application: by 30th June at the latest 9. 2024

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