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Nicolet ECO: Silicon analysis - NicoletCZ
+420 602 325 829 / info@nicoletcz.cz

Nicolet ECO: Silicon analysis


Nicolet ECO: Silicon analysis

A unique, specially developed system for the analysis of silicon components. Complete automation is of course possible!

FT-IR spectrometers with adapter for analysis of silicon components

The optics of the spectrometer are optimized for the analysis of silicon components. Spectrum measurement is possible in reflection and transmission mode.

Infrared spectrometer Nicolet 6700 with adapter for measuring Si components

Recommended not only for the following applications:

  • Carbon and oxygen content in silicone - process control in the photovoltaic industry
  • Interstitial carbon and oxygen content in silicon wafers (supports SEMI, ASTM, JEIDA and DIN methodology)
  • Dopant concentration in dielectric films (BPSG, PSG, FSG, etc.)
  • Koncentrace dopantu v dielektrických filmech (BPSG, PSG, FSG, etc.)
  • Epitaxial layer thickness
  • MEMS, SOI, polysilicon and III - V thin films
  • And many more

The system can be assembled especially for your requirements, newly based on the Nicolet iS20 FT-IR spectrometer or the iS50 series spectrometers (combination with Raman spectroscopy!).

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