Warning: Undefined array key "options" in /srv/www/nicoletcz.cz/releases/20220320150123/web/app/plugins/elementor-pro/modules/theme-builder/widgets/site-logo.php on line 192 Accessories Archivy - Page 2 of 2 - NicoletCZ
The Omnic Array Automation software then enables fast and clear evaluation of the obtained data, including graphical – chemometric (especially cluster) analysis. LIMS compatibility is also possible.
Newly, this method can be combined with transmission FT-IR spectroscopy using a special GPC cell. This cell is compatible with all spectrometers Nicolet CZ. Cell features: transmission
FT-IR spectrometers from Nicolet CZ can be connected to gas chromatographs of various types using a specialized GC module. FT-IR spectroscopy then serves as a unique and