Cultural heritage conference Mona Lisa is genuine, or is it a fake? If you would like to learn more about August 11, 2021
Molecular Spectroscopy 2021 seminar Dear users, due to the uncertain situation, we must move our traditional seminar Molecular Spectroscopy 2021 to August 11, 2021
Control and analysis of hand sanitizers Quick control of safety, efficacy and composition of alcoholic hand sanitizers using FT-IR ATR spectroscopy. As early May 25, 2021
The first year of the Autumn archaeometry school We would like to invite you to look forward to better times in this not very optimistic April 25, 2021
Science for Sustainability Symposia Dear customers! We would like to invite you to the online Science for Sustainability Symposia, which will March 25, 2021
Spectroscopy week Dear customers! We would like to invite you to the Spectroscopy Week, which will take place on February 25, 2021