Seminar for users of FT-IR spectrometers Dear users! We would like to invite you to an online seminar on the theory and techniques September 7, 2021
Ozone analysis by FT-IR (infrared spectroscopy) Scientists began to notice the existence of ozone as early as 1775, when in connection with the September 7, 2021
Molecular spectroscopy in the pharmaceutical industry Biological and pharmaceutical samples are often complex, and therefore also require a comprehensive approach during analysis. Moreover, August 16, 2021
10nm resolution with SNOM technology: Webinar The diffraction limit is a constraint that determines how small objects you can study with a given August 15, 2021
Into the nanoworld with the nano-FTIR method Dear users! We would like to invite you to an online webinar on nano-FTIR technology:nanoscale infrared spectroscopy. August 14, 2021
Cultural heritage conference Mona Lisa is genuine, or is it a fake? If you would like to learn more about August 11, 2021