- Application description
- FT-IR spectroscopy
From a security and defense perspective, it is absolutely essential to have a fast and reliable technique that can analyze potentially hazardous chemicals, including gaseous samples. For this reason, FT-IR spectroscopy is more than suitable, because it is not only a highly specific method (each substance has its own unique spectrum), but it can also provide information about functional groups. In addition, it can be combined with other techniques: e.g. gas chromatography (GC).
Each instrument is equipped with spectral libraries with tens of thousands of spectra of various substances, so you only need to measure the spectrum and the search algorithm itself identifies the measured spectrum and informs you about its danger, in just a few moments. You get not only an accurate and reliable result, but also time that can save lives.
[{wpml_trans_unit_2_0_4_-1_0} id="attachment_9611" align="{wpml_trans_unit_2_0_4_-1_1}" width="{wpml_trans_unit_2_0_4_-1_2}"] FT-IR spectrum of GA warfare gas with a significant band around 2200 cm-1, which is typical for cyanides[/{wpml_trans_unit_2_0_4_-1_0}]