After the groundbreaking neaSNOM microscope, which has brought the spatial resolution of 10 nm to hundreds of scientific teams around the world, comes the nanoSCOPE microscope series.
Thanks to the sophisticated system of mutually compatible modules, you can now expand your laboratory with a system tailored to your application, which is not only cost-effective, but also provides exactly what you need for your research. The neaSCOPE microscopes offer:
- broadband lasers covering the range from visible to THz radiation
- tunable lasers in the visible region
- pump laser for ultrafast spectroscopy
- module for AFM-IR, nano-imaging, nanospectroscopy, transmission and reflectance measurements
- module for TERS and photoluminescence spectroscopy (nano-PL)
- cryogenic module
Above that, the individual systems can be expanded with additional modules. Together with truly user-friendly software, it brings a new perspective to the nanoworld. The neaSCOPE series microscopes are suitable for a number of applications in the areas of:
- nanotechnologies (nanowires, nanoantennas, carbon nanomaterials and more)
- life sciences (study of bacteria and viruses, tissues, proteins and other biomolecules
- semiconductors
- waveguide, graphene and plasmon research
- polymers and other materials
- inorganic chemistry (analysis of bone tissue, composition of cosmic bodies and others)
- photonics (e.g. development of integrated circuits)
Details about selected applications can be found here.