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Timegate: Raman spectrometers with real fluorescence suppression

Timegate: Raman spectrometers with real fluorescence suppression


Dear customers! We would like to introduce you to the Timegate Raman spectrometers, which are equipped with real fluorescence suppression thanks to the patented Timegated technology.

Raman spectroscopy is a very powerful tool in every modern laboratory. It is a fast, reliable, simple and relatively inexpensive analytical method that does not require deep spectroscopic knowledge or complex sample preparation. Within a few tens of seconds, it provides detailed information about the chemical composition of the sample, its crystalline structure and physical properties. It is possible to measure microscopic samples as well as large objects, and Raman spectra can even be measured through a variety of packaging materials. However, it runs into problems in the case of fluorescence, which can complicate some measurements or even make them completely impossible, which is common, e.g. for samples of biological origin or colored materials. This is useful in pharmaceutical, biochemical, biological or materials research, in the industrial production of many sectors, in the development of new materials and other fields.

Picoraman M3 Raman spectrometer


There are a number of ways to combat fluorescence, each with advantages and disadvantages. However, the Timegate company is the first to offer a unique solution for real fluorescence suppression, so it is possible to measure samples with its spectrometers, the analysis of which was impossible or unreasonably complicated with conventional spectrometers. The Timegate device can be used, for example:

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